Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Please Make Everything Easy. I Can't Take it if Things Get Too Hard!"

Every Saturday is my free day and also my weigh in day. So, as usual, on February 12th I hopped on the scale and was elated! I lost my first 5lbs!! With keeping my calories around 1,000 per day (yes, this is approved for someone my height and age) and exercising about 5 times per week for five weeks straight, you might think that is a very modest weight loss. I agree. Why can't I lose weight as quickly or easily as others? I don't know, sigh. However, progress is progress right? Well...not if you get the flu for two days.....and three days later have an abcessed tooth.....four days later...have a second root canal on the same tooth....want to shoot your brains out from the pain......five days later.....celebrate your 27th anniversary still on antibiotics, Vicodin, motrin, eating yogurt and fake mashed potatoes.....the following day start to feel better.. YES! Actually, no....because you help your husband push a recliner up the stairs......pull out your shoulder.......go through three packets of ThermaCare pads......did I mention wanting to shoot myself? And here I sat pondering the words of the Israelites, "If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt!" the Israelites were hungry. Well, so was I damnit! Try eating yogurt, dried potatoes, clear soups, and oatmeal for 10 days. I wanted to go back to my Egypt where I was miserable, enslaved, but could eat my twinkies! I had neither the will to count calories nor the strength to exercise. My exercise calendar that I'm so proud of keeping up with started to look like strikes on a bowling score card, and not in a good way. More like, strike out! Ok, so enough of the whiney pants business. Sometimes God leads us the hard way instead of the easy way because he is doing a work in us. God led the Israelites the long and hard way because they were afraid and he had to prepare them for the battles they would face in the promise land. We sometimes get scared as teh Israelites did and don't want to face the past in order to heal so we learn to cope by doing what we always have the twinkies. No! Don't eat the twinkies. If you want something different, you must press on! And so I will close with this scripture: "Let us not grow weary for doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not faint" Galatians: 6:9

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